In an effort to fortify community safety and instill responsible firearm ownership, the Regional Civil Security Unit XI recently orchestrated a comprehensive orientation and dialogue session centering on Republic Act No. 10591, commonly referred to as the Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act.
Conducted at the Provincial Capitol, the event brought together a diverse assembly, including representatives from various law enforcement agencies in the province. The dialogue session facilitated an interactive exchange where participants could address queries, voice concerns, and share personal experiences related to firearm ownership, fostering a nuanced understanding of the law’s implementation.

Police Major Andrew Lupian, Chief of the Firearms and Explosives Section (FES), RSCU II, expounded on the specific provisions of the law. This encompassed clarification on the requirements for obtaining a firearm license, the registration process, and the penalties for violations.
Major Lupian underscored the imperative of acquiring a juridical firearms license and explained the law mandating that all individuals possessing, owning, and using firearms must obtain a License to Own and Possess Firearms (LTOPF). He emphasized that the comprehensive law, enacted to regulate the ownership, possession, and use of firearms and ammunition, plays a pivotal role in preventing illegal activities and ensuring public safety.
Police Senior Master Sergeant (PSMS) Jasper Van Sumugoy, Investigator-On-Case, delved into the intricacies of the new Republic Act No. 11917 or “The Private Security Services Industry Act.” His discussion encompassed the organization, operation, business, and activities of Private Security Personnel (PSP), Private Security Agency (PSA), Company Guard Forces (CGF), Government Security Forces (GSF), and Private Security Training Agencies (PSTAs). Focusing specifically on Government Security Forces (GSF), he outlined the necessary activities, licenses, registrations, and training required for the Provincial Government to align with the new Act.
Major Lupian assured the Province of Davao Oriental that the FES, RSCU XI is dedicated to assisting the province in complying with all the requirements of Acts pertaining to Firearms and Explosives. He reiterated the plan to establish a Satellite office for the FES, RSCU XI in coordination with the Provincial Government of Davao Oriental, providing convenient access for FES concerns in nearby localities without the need to travel to Tagum or Davao City.

Highlighting the collaborative effort needed, Mr. Mario Gentiles, the Head of the Provincial General Services Office Department, emphasized the partnership between law enforcement agencies and the community to create a safer and more secure environment for everyone.
A panel discussion featuring legal experts, law enforcement officers, and community leaders offered a comprehensive overview of the law’s implications and its role in preventing the proliferation of illegal firearms. Attendees were encouraged to actively participate, fostering a sense of community responsibility and a shared commitment to public safety.
The event concluded with a call to action, urging participants to disseminate the information gained during the orientation within their respective communities. Recognizing enhanced awareness and understanding of Republic Act No. 10591 as crucial elements, the campaign aims to promote a culture of responsible firearm ownership, contributing to the overall safety and security of the province and the region. By PIO | Photos by JB Rain